Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 10-11

It finally happened!   Yesterday Chad had another day of eating slight amounts throughout the day  and keeping it down,  so today he was released from the hospital.   He does tire easily, but we have made the transition from a hospital room to a hotel room.  Tomorrow we will leave the snow covered ground in Minnesota and head south.   Chad is eager to get back to his own possessions and his own space.  It was a challenging time, but thanks to all of the thoughts and prayers, we are finally headed home.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 9

Things seem to be headed in the right direction today.  Chad ate a small amount for three meals and one of those meals included pizza. He was able to take a few long walks and spent most of the day sitting up in a chair to make himself stay awake.  He's trying to build up his stamina so that he can make the long trip back to Texas hopefully soon.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 8

Same song, different verse ....... Chad did not get the TPN IV today.  He did eat a few mouthfuls of food,  but is still bothered by consistent nausea. It is pretty debilitating. It's nearly impossible for him to do anything except sleep or lay in bed with his eyes closed. The nurses tell him he needs to get up and walk but he says that he will vomit if he does.  Since surgery day, he has not looked at his computer, iPod or cell phone. These are items that a teenager cannot live without, so we know he is miserable.  Too bad there's no cure for nausea. He seems to make it through the day without vomiting but the evenings are the time when we start worrying.  He began vomiting this evening at 9:30 pm.  He was so close to making it through the whole day. So, we have high hopes for tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 7

We thought that this was the day that Chad would really make good progress, but.....not so much. He started off the day with a bowl of cereal and also took a few walks, but as the day went on the nausea got worse.  He was vomiting by late afternoon. So, he is back on a liquid diet. Tomorrow will mark 7 days after surgery and that is when the doctors seriously consider putting in a TPN IV for nutritional supplementation.  Chad has lost a considerable amount of weight since he has not eaten much for 7 days.