Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 7

Chad isn't doing too well since early this morning with a fever of 103 and vomiting.  He is back on IV's for hydration and a stronger IV antibiotic.   He's not talking to us much this morning because of a sore throat, fever, nausea and pain.  The blood work done the day before yesterday showed that his white blood cell count is good , so it doesn't look like an infection.  The doctors have more tests ordered for today.  Maybe his fever will break today, God willing. Please keep Chad in your thoughts and prayers today.


Mark H. said...


Sorry to hear about Chad still with the fever. There are so many complications with this surgery that you never know what to expect. Just keep all your spirits up that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that Chad is fighting for a much better quality of life than living with UC.


Anonymous said...

Kathy and Chuck,

Aunt Betty and Uncle Ed want you to know that you are all in their prayers. They are out of town until the weekend. Aunt Betty is very concerned for Chad and is praying very ernestly for him for a full recovery. Again we all will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Chad's a fighter and God is with you all through this tough period of recovery. We love ya Man!